Omega-3 Fish Oil, 1200 mg, Supports Heart Health and Healthy Circulation, 100 Count, by Puritan’sPride

Original price was: EGP 1,900.00.Current price is: EGP 1,450.00.
  • Highest quality vitamins and supplements since 1973
  • Scientifically formulated
  • Supports heart health and healthy circulation(1)
  • Gluten & lactose free
  • 1 month supply

Puritan’s Pride Maximum Strength Triple Omega 3-6-9 Fish, Flax & Borage Oils-120 Softgels

EGP 900.00
Triple Omega 369 is a nutritional supplement that contains Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9, and is considered one of the best vitamins needed to improve general health, strengthen the immune system, and maintain triglyceride levels.

Ingredients for TRIPLE OMEGA 3-6-9 MAX STRENGTH

Total fat 3.5 g, .5 g saturated fat, 2 g polyunsaturated fat, 1 g monounsaturated fat, 10 mg cholesterol.  MAX STRENGTH Omega 3,6,9 Special Blend 3600 mg (3.6 g) .

Benefits of TRIPLE OMEGA 3-6-9 MAX STRENGTH capsules

Triple omega 369 plays an important role in promoting general health, heart health, and the immune system. These benefits include:     Omega acids help to enhance human sexual ability, as they contribute to increasing the number of sperm in men and enhancing fertility in women.     Heart health support: Omega-3 fatty acids help regulate the heartbeat and reduce heart attacks.     Omega acids contribute to regulating blood pressure, and fighting cholesterol, so they reduce the risk of death from coronary artery disease.      One of the most important benefits of omega 3 6 9 capsules is that it greatly helps in getting rid of excess weight and increases burning.     Omega acids enhance mental and intellectual abilities and protect against Alzheimer's disease, especially in the elderly.     Supporting the health of the eyes, as it improves the secretion of oil and the water of the tear glands, and protects the eyes from drying out.      Omega-3 oils are useful in preventing some cases of cancer, colitis, psoriasis, arthritis, asthma and some mental illnesses.     Contributes to solving skin and skin problems and acne, as it works to unify skin tone..

Puritans Pride Omega-3 Fish Oil 1000 Mg, 100 Count

Original price was: EGP 650.00.Current price is: EGP 620.00.
  • Highest quality vitamins and supplements
  • Scientifically formulated
  • Supports heart health
  • Gluten Free
  • 1 month supply

L-Carnitine 1000mg 90 tablets

Original price was: EGP 750.00.Current price is: EGP 650.00.
كبسولات puritan’s pride l-carnitine1000 mg هي من العلاجات الطبيعية التي تتكون من الأحماض الأمنة والتي تمد الجسم بالطاقة، وتحرق الدهون وتجعلكَ تحصل على كتلة عضلية كبيرة وقوية.

Puritan’s Pride L-arginine 1000 Mg Capsules, 100 Count

Original price was: EGP 1,300.00.Current price is: EGP 1,050.00.
  • Arginine is one of 20 amino acids, the building blocks of protein
  • Arginine can serve as a source of energy, and is involved in various pathways throughout the body
  • Arginine supports the effect of exercise and is one of the most important amino acids involved in immune function
  • Fitness Type: Post Workout

Vitamin C 1000mg Puritan’s Pride 100 tablets

Original price was: EGP 700.00.Current price is: EGP 590.00.

فيتامين سي vitamin c هي أقراص تستخدم في الكثير من الاستخدامات لصحة الجسم العامة ، ومن أهمها أنها تستخدم لمكافحة البرد والانفلونزا و تستخدم لتعزيز إنتاج الكولاجين في البشرة لحمايتها من التجاعيد وتحسين صحة العيون.

puritan’s pride Triple Omega 120 caps

Original price was: EGP 850.00.Current price is: EGP 750.00.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids are in fish such as salmon, anchovies and trout, as well as walnuts and flaxseed. Omega-6 and Omega-9 are found in nuts and vegetable oils. Fatty Acids support the overall well-being of the body. Omega-3 supports the health of your heart, joints and skin. Their role in heart health is particularly noteworthy. The National Institutes of Health recognizes that Omega-3 from fish oil can be beneficial for several cardiovascular measures. Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. They also help maintain triglyceride levels that are already within a normal range.

The American Heart Association recommends at least two servings of oily fish per week, but Omega-3 Fatty Acids are often in short supply in our diets. Puritan’s Pride Triple Omega can help supplement your diet. Plus, they are enteric coated, which means that the active ingredients bypass the stomach and are digested in the small intestine, minimizing any fishy aftertaste. They are also purified to eliminate mercury.

Q-Sorb CoQ10 100mg, Supports Heart Health, 60 Rapid Release Softgels by Puritan’s Pride, 60 ct

Original price was: EGP 800.00.Current price is: EGP 65.00.
  • Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant that protects your cells from damage and plays a key role in cell growth and maintenance. Also known as ubiquinone, this nutrient helps generate energy and plays a crucial role in the metabolism.
    While CoQ10 occurs naturally in the body, you produce less of it as you age. What?s more, if you take statin or cholesterol-lowering , your CoQ10 levels are likely to become depleted with time. Health conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer are linked to low levels of CoQ10. This is why maintaining healthy CoQ10 levels in your body is essential.
  • Highest quality vitamins and supplements
  • Scientifically formulated
  • Helps support a healthy heart and cardiovascular system
  • Gluten Free
  • 15 to 60 day supply

Puritan’s Pride Odorless Garlic 1000 Mg

Original price was: EGP 350.00.Current price is: EGP 250.00.
  • Highest Quality vitamins and supplements since 1973
  • Scientifically formulated
  • For centuries, garlic has been used for its exceptional rejuvenating properties
  • Gluten Free

Puritans Pride Vitamin D3 (1000)IU 100 Count

Original price was: EGP 350.00.Current price is: EGP 250.00.
  • Highest quality vitamins and supplements since 1973
  • Scientifically formulated
  • Helps support a healthy immune system
  • Soy & Gluten Free
  • 3 month supply

Puritan’s Pride Vitamin D3 5000 IU-100 Softgels

Original price was: EGP 750.00.Current price is: EGP 620.00.
  • Highest quality vitamins and supplements since 1973
  • Scientifically formulated
  • Helps support a healthy immune system
  • Soy & Gluten Free
  • 3 month supply

Rapid Release Melatonin 10Mg, Supports Sound Sleep, 120 Count by Puritan’s Pride

Original price was: EGP 1,200.00.Current price is: EGP 950.00.
  • Nighttime sleep aid
  • Super strength
  • Fall asleep quickly and stay asleep longer